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  • Writer's pictureBusy Bee NW

Cleaning Your Home to Reduce Allergens

Are you struggling with allergies in your home? Do you find that no matter what you do, your symptoms persist? The culprit could be hidden allergens in your living space. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and strategies to clean your home and reduce common allergens.

Start with Dusting

Dust is a common allergen that can irritate hay fever and asthmatic sufferers. To reduce the amount of dust in your home, start by dusting the surfaces, including bookshelves, tabletops, and picture frames. Use a microfiber cloth, which traps particles better than cotton towels or dusters. Avoid using feather dusters, which can stir up dust and spread allergens around the room.

Vacuum Regularly

Carpet and rugs can accumulate allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Vacuuming your carpets and rugs regularly can help to remove these allergens from your home. Make sure to use a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which will trap particles as you vacuum. Vacuuming hard flooring surfaces like tiles, hardwoods or laminated floors also helps to remove dust, pet fur, and other allergens.

Wash Bedding and Upholstery

Bedding and upholstered furniture can harbor allergens such as dust mites, mold, and pet dander. To reduce allergen levels in your home, wash your bedding and upholstered furniture covers regularly, and if possible, choose washable covers when purchasing new ones. Run your bedding and other washable fabrics through the hottest cycle possible to kill germs and reduce allergen levels. Control Humidity Humidity can also contribute to the growth of mold and dust mites. Use a dehumidifier to control humidity levels in your home, especially in damp or humid areas like the kitchen or bathroom. Keep your humidity levels between 30-50% to reduce the growth of dust mites, mold, and other allergens.

Change Air Filters

The air filters in your heating and cooling system can trap allergens and pollutants, but only if they're cleaned and changed regularly. A dirty filter can circulate allergens like pollen, pet dander, and dust around your home, worsening your symptoms. Check your filter monthly and replace or clean them every three months.

Final Thoughts

Reducing allergens in your home doesn't have to be a complicated task. Regular cleaning and maintenance can go a long way in cutting down on allergens. Incorporate these tips into your cleaning routine to reduce allergens in your home and breathe easier.

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